Social Gents Club

The ‘Social Gents’ club is set to run every Friday from 9.30am until midday in the Braddan facility’s day unit, and invites men who are suffering with bereavement to enjoy coffee, food, chat and activities.

The group is the first of its kind in the island, and a place where men can ‘feel safe and listened to’.

We know that losing someone can be hard, and sometimes all that's needed is company and a few hours to relax.

The group will be a drop in centre that starts conversations, and discussions will be encouraged. Every participant can help shape how the meetings look going forward.

Everyone will be valued and it’s a great opportunity to ask potentially awkward questions, while there will even be a raft of activities island wide that can hopefully provide an outlet for those in need of something to do.

The idea for Social Gents came about through various team members at Hospice seeing many men struggling after the loss of their partner. Some were lacking a healthy lifestyle, cooking skills, social interaction, and a stable network of friends.

The ‘Bev Michelson Fund’, via Douglas Rotary Club, has provided the funding to Hospice to enable the group to be ran.

If you would like more information or register to join, you can call Nick Moorhouse on 433303, or email him on

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